Find DNS records

Search Engine Optimization

Find DNS records

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About Find DNS records

More information about the Find DNS records tool!

Find out the records of your domain name using DNS records. The tool is free and easy to use. It only needs a domain name and makes the result for you. 

The DNS record tool is more advanced than any other tool. It provides records that contain information related to the domain names, Ip addresses, authoritative server, etc. This process may take a couple of days. There are various types of DNS records, which are - A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, DNSKEY, CAA, TXT, DS,  etc.

Type A records an IP address of the domain. Type AAAA comprises the domain's IPv6 address. CNAME recorder forwards a domain and a subdomain to another domain, it does not get your IP address. The tool operates mail to the email server. The TXT lets an admin store any text notes for securing emails. NS recorder stores DNS entry and the SOA stocks the data for the admin about the domain. Type SRV is for specifying a port and PTR is for finding the domain name at reverse lookups.

To perform the tool use options against OpenDNS, Google, Cloudflare,  or authority service of domains. So that, if you make any changes to your web, it will reflect instantly.

Enter the domain name then press the “ start” button. And you will find the following -

  • Check the DNS records since the website migration or launch.

  • Check your and competitors' IP addresses of websites.

  • Break the hosting provider from competitors' web pages.