Blacklist Lookup

Search Engine Optimization

Blacklist Lookup

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About Blacklist Lookup

Searching for a free online effective blacklist lookup?

 If your domain is blacklisted, the visitors can not access it. Here the tool reports you if you're blacklisted or not. 

Find out if your domain has been blacklisted, which means you got into a spam list as a result your website is dropped in ranking. Visitors can access your website if it's been blacklisted.

The Blacklist Lookup will show if your IP or URL is included in the DNSBL database. You will feel its need in the following state:

  • Whenever you buy a domain, you need to check the domain's main metrics and indicators like “is it blacklisted”. And also check for “is this domain available”.

  • If the performance of website SEO gets worse.

 The tool will inform you about when your domain is listed as spam:

  • Paste your IP address or URL and click the “check” button.

  • Get a list of spam databases.

  • Find out if the domain is blacklisted.

Send an appeal to remove the IP address from the blacklist of the anti-spam database.

Note: All the violations must be corrected before sending your request. 

The free checker notices if the provided URL or IP address is listed within the DNSBL  database.   

Blacklist Lookup matters whenever the SEO functions of your website are getting worse, or if you are planning to purchase a new domain.